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Stefan "Husky" Hüskens <>

SACROSANCT, established in 1988, are a well respected name in the metal scene, most known for their three classic albums during the early 1990s: Truth is – what is”, Recesses for the depraved” and Tragic intense”. 

 The SACROSANCT signature sound gradually progressed from sophisticated thrash metal to a more edgy, melodic and atmospheric aural landscape. The brainchild of founding member and lead guitar player Randy Meinhard (ex-Pestilence) returned in 2018, after a 25-year hiatus, with their fourth album Necropolis”, which was highly acclaimed and bears all of the hallmarks and intricacies that defines SACROSANCT, with a strong emphasis on melancholic melodies and harmonious guitar parts as well as a focus on thought-provoking lyrics written by Per Albinsson, known for his work with Therion, among others.

Six years later, SACROSANCT return with the even more powerful, still complex, but catchy "Kidron", introducing their new singer Max Morton, who outshines the album with his clear, dynamic and unique voice. The album combines all our trademarks, has a unique atmosphere due to all the circumstances we had to go through and is accessible and complex at the same time”, comments Randy Meinhard. 

 The special thing about SACROSANCT is, that every album sounds different. “We always write and play songs in our own way. We can't and won't deny our roots. Of course, our first albums were more thrash-heavy, but there was a lot more going on in the songs. You just can't reduce us to that. I personally love metal from Maiden to Priest to Fates Warning, VoiVod or Slayer. When writing songs, I try to find out how heavy or "commercial" a song can be in our own way. But we always want to touch people with the music and if, for example, a blastbeat can be combined with the classic Sacrosanct riff trademarks, then we have arrived at KIDRON”.