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Stefan "Husky" Hüskens <>

1983, the Wuppertal metal newcomers AXE VICTIMS released their debut album "Another Victim" on the Belgian label "Mausoleum Records".

Followed by great reviews in the British magazine "Kerrang", German "Metal Hammer" and more. The band subsequently performed at numerous festivals and completed support gigs for Golden Earring, Lita Ford and ex-Scorpions guitarist Uli Jon Roth, among others. When everything pointed to the youngsters taking off to the top, the label filed for bankruptcy, which meant that AX VICTIMS had to plan completely differently under new circumstances. The second album, "Hypnotized", which was now inevitably self-financed, remained unreleased at the time because the band was subsequently unable to land a satisfactory major deal. Consequently, the company was dissolved in 1985.

As part of their recent comeback, the musicians have announced the subsequent release of their second album, which was never released.

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